Launching of Beautiful Village Integration with OKI Inflation Release August 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ilir Regency

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Launching of Beautiful Village Integration with OKI Inflation Release August 2024

Launching of Beautiful Village Integration with OKI Inflation Release August 2024

September 2, 2024 | Other Activities

Hello #datafriends

Held at the Ogan Komering Ilir Regent's Office, Monday, September 2, 2024, BPS released the August 2024 inflation figures along with the 2024 Beautiful Village Launching activity.

This activity was attended by the Acting Regent, Regional Secretary, Expert Staff of the Regent, Assistant II, Inspectorate Inspector, Heads of OPD, sub-district heads throughout OKI Regency, and Village Heads along with OKI Regency Model Village Agents.

In her presentation, the Head of BPS OKI Regency, Mrs. Anugrahani Prasetyowati, conveyed the inflation figures for Oki Regency in August which experienced a month-to-month deflation of -0.18%, and a year-on-year deflation of 1.95%, where the main contributor to deflation was the Food, Beverages and Tobacco group.

The next activity was the launch of the 2024 Beautiful Village which was also attended by Village Heads and Village Statistics Agents. In her remarks, the Acting. OKI Regent Mr. Asmar Wijaya said that this program is a strategic step to improve the quality of statistical data management at the village level, so that village development planning is more targeted and effective so that this Beautiful Village activity must be fully supported by all parties, especially the Regional Government. 

On this occasion, a commitment was also signed by all sub-district heads throughout OKI Regency and continued by the Head of the 2024 Pilot Village, namely Dabukrejo Village, Lempuing District and Celikah Village, Kayuagung District. 

With the existence of Beautiful Village, it is hoped that each village has a reliable data source, so that development planning can be carried out more accurately and on target. 

Let's make the launch of "Beautiful Village" a momentum to synergize in building a better village and realizing OKI Mandira Regency. 






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