Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Price Control - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ilir Regency

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Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Price Control

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Price Control

October 1, 2024 | Other Activities

Hello friends data,

Today, the Trade Department of Ogan Komering Ilir Region (Disdag OKI) together with the Statistical Center Agency (BPS OKI) organize Focus Group Discussion (FGD) regarding controlling inflation in the area. The FGD aims to discuss strategic steps in monitoring and controlling the prices of basic needs, as well as ensuring the regional economic stability is maintained.

The event involves a variety of parties, including businessmen and market representatives, who provide insight into price trends and challenges faced in managing inflation. Through an in-depth discussion, FGD participants identified factors affecting inflation at the county level, such as the distribution of goods and the impact of fluctuating commodity prices.

BPS OKI, as an official data provider, provides feedback on the importance of data accuracy in formulating a targeted inflation handling policy. The synergy between Disdag and BPS OKI is expected to create an effective solution in maintaining price stability and improving community welfare.

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