Support and Collaboration in the Implementation of the Love Village Statistics of OKI Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ilir Regency

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Support and Collaboration in the Implementation of the Love Village Statistics of OKI Regency

Support and Collaboration in the Implementation of the Love Village Statistics of OKI Regency

August 22, 2024 | Other Activities

Hello #data friends

On Thursday, 22 August 2024, BPS OKI Regency received a guest visit from the Communications and Information Service and Bappeda in collaboration with Village Community Empowerment Experts from the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (PDTT). This visit was in order to discuss support from external parties regarding the beautiful village program in OKI Regency. This visit was also accompanied by the OKI Regency Bappeda.

The Head of the Communications and Information Service, in this case conveyed by the Head of E-Government Services, Mr. Muttaqin, said that the Communications and Information Service together with a team of Community Empowerment Experts at OKI are currently implementing a village digitalization program where the aim is to increase insight and increase the capacity of digital infrastructure in villages as a whole. gradually. This is in line with the beautiful village program currently running in OKI Regency. 

One of the Expert Teams present, Mr. Rapiudin, also said that this Expert Team was contracted directly by the Ministry of Villages and supervises Village Facilitators (PD) who work in sub-districts and Local Village Facilitators (PLD) who work in villages. This PLD is responsible for management in planning, implementing and monitoring Village and Rural Development.

Head of BPS OKI Regency, Mrs. Anugrahani Prasetyowati SST, M.Si warmly welcomed the arrival of guests this time. The 100 percent beautiful village program being worked on at BPS OKI aims to digitize existing data on villages which is input on a website called This collaboration with the Ministry of Communication and Information and the Ministry of Villages is certainly very helpful in accelerating efforts. 

Village development so that each village is more proactive in collecting, processing and utilizing statistical data so that with the right data it can produce planning for effective development programs and policies that suit the needs of the community.

We believe that with support and active participation from all levels of society, the Love Statistics Village will bring significant positive changes to village development throughout Indonesia. Let's together create a smarter, more transparent and data-based village for a better future.

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