BPS OKI Carry out further development of Village Statistics Agents - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ilir Regency

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BPS OKI Carry out further development of Village Statistics Agents

BPS OKI Carry out further development of Village Statistics Agents

July 11, 2024 | Other Activities

Hello Data Friends

On 11 to 16 July 2024 BPS OKI Regency invited village statistical agents to take part in coaching in the context of preparing village publications in figures. This activity was opened directly by the Head of BPS OKI District, attended by representatives of Bappeda and the Communications and Information Service and attended by 2 selected village agents representing each sub-district. 

Head of BPS OKI District Mrs. Anugrahani Prasetyowati said in her speech that the aim of this activity was to increase the knowledge and ability of Village Statistics Agents in understanding and managing statistical data, equip Village Statistics Agents with expertise in compiling Village publications in Figures, and increase the role of Statistical Agents Villages as ambassadors for the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in disseminating information and statistical literacy to the community.

This activity was interactive and participated enthusiastically by the participants because apart from the material on how to arrange villages in numbers, there was also an explanation about siokicantik as well as material and practices for making infographics.

By following this guidance, it is hoped that the Village Statistics Agent will be able to compile quality and informative Village publications in Figures. This Village in Figures publication can be a useful source of information for village communities in understanding village conditions and making appropriate decisions for village development.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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