Sumatera Selatan Trade Balance December 2022 Surplus US$584.01 million - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ilir Regency

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Sumatera Selatan Trade Balance December 2022 Surplus US$584.01 million

Release Date : February 1, 2023
File Size : 1.78 MB


  • Sumatera Selatan's export value in December 2022 reached US$642.56 million, an increase of 1.13 percent compared to November 2022 exports. Compared to November 2021, the export value increased by 30.30 percent.
  • Non-oil and gas exports in 2022 reached US$600.84 million, up 1.19 percent compared to November 2022. Compared to December 2021, non-oil and gas exports increased by 21.84 percent.
  • Cumulatively, the export value of Sumatera Selatan from January to December 2022 reached US$7,581.36 million, an increase of 43.42 percent compared to the same period in 2021.
  • The largest export share in December 2022 was China with US$293.77 million, India with US$53.07 million and Malaysia with US$45.31 million, with the contribution of the three of them reaching 61.03 percent. Meanwhile, exports to ASEAN and the European Union were 22.60 percent and 4.23 percent, respectively.
  • Cumulatively, Sumatera Selatan's largest export value from January to December 2022 is destined for China, India and Malaysia, with a respective value of US$2,618.58 million, US$901.10 million and US$538.97 million
  • Sumatera Selatan's import value in December 2022 reached US$58.55 million, up 17.17 percent compared to November 2022, and down 53.79 percent compared to December 2021.
  • December 2022 oil and gas imports were valued at US$3.71 million, down 7.56 percent compared to November 2022, and down 66.67 percent compared to December 2021.
  • Non-oil and gas imports in December 2022 were valued at US$54.85 million, up 19.33 percent compared to November 2022, and down 52.55 percent compared to December 2021.
  • The three largest suppliers of imported goods from January to December 2022 are China US$442.67 million (48.46 percent), Singapore US$86.51 million (9.47 percent), and Malaysia US$67.38 million (7.38 percent). . The value of imports from ASEAN in January-December 2022 was US$275.36 million (30.15 percent) and the European Union US$31.07 million (3.40 percent).
  • Sumatera Selatan's trade balance in December 2022 experienced a surplus of US$584.01 million, originating from the non-oil and gas sector of US$546.00 million, and the oil and gas sector of US$38.01 million
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