Commemorating Pancasila Day - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ilir Regency

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Commemorating Pancasila Day

Commemorating Pancasila Day

October 1, 2024 | Other Activities

On October 1, 2024 the Central Statistical Board of Ogan Komering Ilir Region (BPS OKI) called a flag ceremony commemorating Pancasila Day. The ceremony that was held in this service was attended by the entire range of officers of BPS OKI, led directly by the Chief of BPS OkI, Mrs.

Anugrahani Prasetyowati, S. ST. , M. Yes.

The ceremony was coloured with the reading of the pledge and a tribute to the heroes who have fought to defend the ideology of the country. The spirit of togetherness and love for the country radiated from this activity is hoped to strengthen the unity in the environment of BPS OKI and increase the dedication of its employees in making the best contribution to the development of the nation.

This event is closed with a joint prayer for the glory and well-being of Indonesia in the future.

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